Partner With Us

Oooh, you’re a brave one aren’t ya. Not many have the balls to click on this link, and even fewer have the cojones to follow through. 

Now that you’re here – wanna a drink? The bar is over there, help yourself. 

So, what can we tell you? BoozeHound is a small independent entertainment company founded by us, Kate & Phil (AKA “Phate”). We have a fan base located all over the world that loves us for who we are and not what some whiny little bitch corporate type thinks we should be.

We’ve been in the entertainment world since 1988 in various roles. Today, BoozeHound is made of six integrated imprints;

  • BoozeHound Entertainment
  • BoozeHound Music
  • Shot Glass Records
  • Sniffing Hiney Records
  • BoozeHound Studio
  • BoozeHound Games
  • BoozeHound Publishing
  • Phate

Like any venture, we’re always looking to make shitloads of money, so if you’re game for opportunities that create a win-win-win (you, us, and both of our fans/customers), then there’s that form over there you should fill out and get in touch with us. 

Our One-Sheet is below as well as a link to our about page if you need more info about us and who we are.

We look forward to having a drink while looking over your email, 


Get The Ball Rolling

BoozeHound One-Sheet

Released Shows
Projects In Production
Avg. Downloads Per Month
Avg. Review (out of 5)

BoozeHound TL;DR

We turn our brains inside out to reveal stories we turn into shows. We’re also the punks behind BoozeHound Music & Shot Glass Records.

We are:
  • Unfiltered and unapologetic
  • not afraid to create something different or controversial
  • loveable & funny
  • sometimes sarcastic, but in a funny, loving way
  • don’t follow rules very well and have a deep disdain for the status quo and lowest common denominator entertainment.

If you really wanna go deep, visit the about page but at this point, if you made it this far, you should probably just fill out the damn form already. 

Opportunities Available:

  • Cross Promotion (Promo-Swaps, Episode Drops)
  • Advertising across one show, multiple shows, The BzHd Speakeasy, and our entire network of imprints and shows.
  • Collaborations (podcasts, videos, distilling).
  • Music Licensing (through BoozeHound Music and Shot Glass Records)
  • Something wacky – we’re open to any ideas you may have, just ask.